

We are all on a search for LOVE. We want LOVE and Acceptance. We want to feel wanted and appreciated. We are eager to please others and when we don't we fall into this state of doubt. We yearn for the Sincere LOVE from the opossite sex. We want our souls to be at peace and never have to stress or worry about a thing. We want... We want... But what does GOD want?

I was inspired this morning after I couldnt rest (all night long). I felt like i needed to be doing something. Well I just want to share this with you all because it has helped me.
We as human beings aim to be accepted, but who are we seeking acceptance from? Everyone other than GOD! We want our family and friends to accept and support us as well as understand us. We will go through extreme measures for that feeling... But in all actuality we should be seeking acceptance from GOD. We should LOVE ourselves and appreciate all that we have.

"In the end there are two standing, GOD and the GOD in Self, who do you seek acceptance from?"

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