
Forgetting about Regret

"The other day was one of those days where you think back and say... I shoulda, coulda, woulda. The experience was an old one yet new. Feelings that were once bottled up and placed secretly in the back of the closet in my heart, had now resurfaced & I was petrified. I never thought I would feel so sure about something in my life... Til the next moment arrived. Staring out of the window of the moving vehicle also known as my chariot, I wondered. I cried. I smiled and gasped for air only to catch my breath and be wisked away by a nightmare."

1 comment:

  1. I went to school with you. YOur older than me. I'm class of '00 . But I do remember you, I did not know that you possessed such eloquence and power. Your words are powerful keep writing your feelings god has blessed you with something..
